Software repository Outdated!!
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2019-05-13 04:18
I really love deepin as a desktop environment but , it's software repositories are frozen back in time .Deepin is becoming visually appealing with every update whereas its core is full of outdated softwares. Here, i request deepin developers to improve software repos and basic core of the os .As main audience of linux are developers ,they need a fast machine with latest softwares and repos ,if somehow it is visually appealing it will be a plus.for eg:-
Flatpak support at 0.8 and we have 1.3 as new

Any work around i can use to use debian repositories
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2019-05-20 10:00
I installed the flathub repository and software plugin in order to get the latest version of Gimp and a few other applications. It's called the Debian stable repository for a reason and if you want bleeding edge or newer software versions Manjaro/Deepin may be worth a try. Snap has many more options, but brings a lot of Ubuntu dependencies with it.
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2019-05-20 21:54
deepin is based on debian stretch,so you can just read this:
then help yourself with stretch-backports to get the latest flatpak
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an******[email protected]
2022-12-08 02:45
It has been deleted!