For those who like me, feel that dde-kwin is still work in progress, and introduces too much glitches for a convenient use, rolling back to deepin-wm is as simple as:
sudo apt-get install deepin-wm
Copy the Code
then create an empty deepin-wm.desktop file into ~/.config/autostart and copy/paste this content
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Deepin Window Manager
Exec=deepin-wm --replace
Copy the Code
proceed with a gentle logoff/logon, and welcome back in time...
This will work as long as deepin-wm is maintained in deepin binary sources.
This "patch" is user dependant, and not system-wide effective, due to its placement in ~/.config/autostart
Don't expect further improvments over deepin-wm.
This post has been updated due to dependancies between dde and dde-kwin, further explanations here: Beware: removing or purging "dde-kwin" may result in removing "dde" pseudo package, which is a dependancy of kwin...
This solution is NON destructive: you'll still get dde-win upgrades, just rename deepin-wm.desktop to deepin-wm.backup when you're ready to switch, and/or most of the bugs have been corrected...
For my part, I'm glad to find the ol' good workspace switching method and UI, coherent title bar font and size (gParted, Visual studio code, Chrome, and so on, ie: non QT5 windows). And I get rounded corners on my terminal back !!
For those who like me, feel that dde-kwin is still work in progress, and introduces too much glitches for a convenient use, rolling back to deepin-wm is as simple as:
Beware: removing or purging "dde-kwin" may result in removing "dde" pseudo package, which is a dependancy of kwin...
For my part, I'm glad to find the ol' good workspace switching method and UI, coherent title bar font and size (gParted, Visual studio code, Chrome, and so on, ie: non QT5 windows). And I get rounded corners on my terminal back !!
Peace & Enjoy !