The test on dde-kwin started
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2019-04-03 19:44
Hello everyone. dde-kwin, the new window manager of Deepin Desktop Environment, has been added to deepin repository. As in Alpha stage at present, there are several problems. Please actively participate in the test and submit your feedback. The bug will be fixed as soon as possible.

Related functions to be tested:
  • Shortcuts
  • Wallpaper settings

At present, only two points are adapted. If you find other issues, please send your feedback as well.

Test steps

1. Install dde-kwin:
  1. sudo apt update && sudo apt install dde-kwin
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Log out and then log in, dde-kwin will automatically start.

If you have used kwin before, switch to deepin window manager before installation, and delete three configuration files: ~/.config/kwinrc, ~/.config/kglobalshortcutsrc, ~/.config/kwinrulesrc (Do not forget to make a backup).

Exit dde-kwin and restore to the original window manager

Enter the following command in Deepin Terminal
  1. sudo apt purge dde-kwin
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Known issues
In effect mode (Switch on window effect in Control Center), there is no wallpaper (only black screen). Please disable window effect in Control Center to test the wallpaper.
The switch status of window effect could not be remembered, and it is turned on every time after log out and then log in.

Please submit relevant screenshots, screen recordings, etc. with the feedback, so that developers can locate the issues.

Thank you very much for your active participation!

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2019-04-03 19:49
Unadapted functions:
  • Corner settings;
  • The conflict prompt when the shortcut is the same with KWin shortcut;
  • Window preview;
  • The gestures for moving the window to the left or right edge of screen(split the screen);
  • No wallpaper in effect mode;
  • Windows do not hide when setting wallpaper;
  • The switch status of window effect is not remembered;
  • Setting window theme in Control Center does not work.
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2019-05-14 06:34
this is a patched version of KWin, which aims to reduce latency and fix some fundamental problems with it, such as stuttering.
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2019-05-14 06:35
The Deepin developers should be interested
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2019-05-14 20:31
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2019-05-15 03:25
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