Deepin DE for debian
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2019-03-20 11:20
Deepin DE is one of the best GNU desktop enviroment availible.
gnome kde and lot of other desktops are supported by debian and you can chose from them, but i dont know any way to install Deepin DE on debian
so it forces me to use Deepin OS which is so hard for me becuse the mirors are to slow for where i am.
i want to ask Deepin team to add Desktop Enviroment on Debian packages so we can install it easily from debian offical mirors.
it makes more people aware and intrested in Deepin DE and lot of people may cuntribute to developing.
it is open source but is is kind of restricted . it would be amazing to Desktop Enviroment become a big sepreate project like Gnome - Kde - Xfce Deepin destome would become one of trusted and majore used desktop enviroments in gnu/linux world or even on bsd and other open source os.
Debian is good place to start.
i know the surce code are availible but as a normal user i dont know how i should do it, i can chose gnome and 9 other desktop enviroment in debian installer, but deepin is not one of them.
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2019-03-20 17:48
There are no pre-compiled repositories for debian for easy installation. But We have created a beta version based on the Debian stable . ... %E4%BB%93%E5%BA%93/
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