Deepin Loading Icon Forever On Homescreen
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2019-02-04 15:22
Hi, i'm a big fan of deepin but it doesn't work for me. Whenever I log in, it makes the boot sound and shows the loading icon. The loading icon never goes away and nothing loads. I use a laptop (ASUS ROG ZEPHRUS), with a gtx 1060, and an intel core i7. Thanks!
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2019-02-07 10:13
I had this problem too. It's the nouveau driver. You have to boot into cli and install the ppa nvidia-driver-415 package, then it will work.

Boot up like normal, then exactly when it asks you to log in press ctrl+alt+f3. It will take you to cli.

  1. sudo apt install plymouth-themes software-properties-common console-setup
Copy the Code

  1. sudo apt update
Copy the Code

  1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
Copy the Code

  1. sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver FCAE****
Copy the Code

  1. sudo apt update
Copy the Code

  1. sudo apt install nvidia-driver-415
Copy the Code

Reboot and you will be good to go.
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2019-02-07 13:00
I also had this and another way to work around it is to edit the grub entry and add acpi_rev_override=1 to it.
After I booted with this option I also added it to  /etc/default/grub and did sudo update-grub2.

I installed the nvidia drivers with the graphics driver manager from Deepin.
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