deepin need mini os 64 bit
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2019-01-19 12:20
deepin installation olny one way .full installation. ubuntu choise 2 way mini or full.we have old pc.we need mini installation web browser and app store enıgh
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2019-01-19 13:44
Consider this a warning, Do not make duplicate posts! You repeated this message 6 or 7 times in other threads, and they have been removed.
You are entitled to post your suggestion. Personally I disagree.
deepin only has one desktop environment to offer. Most new deepin users want to be treated to a full out the box experience. It is time consuming to make ISO's and also have complexity where both domestic, and international apps are needed. In my opinion this time could be better spent in development and fixing bugs.
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2019-01-20 10:48
sory !! l dont agree with you.couse your basic softwere only your choise softwere.means ı dont want to use WPS l want to use abiworld !!! when l setup deepin os in my pc all time this problem !! you can sent to us 2 way on installation.deepin mini  ( only a browser and app store ) and deepin full installation.easy way ! we like deepin os and we are useing 5 years deepin os.means we are in deepin family too !!! thank you
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2019-01-20 12:28
Okay thank you for understanding and being part of the deepin family. If they have the time and resources to build, and also test the ISO. They may consider it at some point in the the future. I would like to see an updated version deepin live system. Version 2.0 was almost one year ago.
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