What new feature would you like to see in Deepin OS?
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s***[email protected]
2018-11-01 00:10
Edited by sarojpoudel33 at 2018-10-31 13:13

Thank For Voting. Please Visit https://bbs.deepin.org/module facebook Page.  //https://bbs.deepin.org/module
(Expired, see the results below)
221 users voted
1.New Mail Manager.(93 votes)
28 %
2.A good video editor.(66 votes)
20 %
3.New App for cameras.(31 votes)
9 %
4.Deepin Browser(80 votes)
24 %
5.Let me Comment.(63 votes)
19 %
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2019-03-16 05:19
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2019-03-17 11:29
Update the programs in the App Store, I mean you are just asking for all of us to get hacked!
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2019-03-17 17:15
You can manually Update Application.
2019-03-19 17:18

i already work on a little app for this feature

Great news man!

I used to have this kind of app when I was stick with windows 7 and it was very usefull.

I appreciate your work.
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2019-03-20 00:55
Great news man!

I used to have this kind of app when I was stick with windows 7 and it was very u ...

your welcome. i will post a news when a beta version will be available
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2019-03-20 07:06
【foxmail】【chrome】【firefox】市场都很健全,有时间搞这些不如提高稳定行,性能,耗电 ...

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2019-03-20 07:10
Stable! Graphics driver optimization!
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2019-03-20 07:13
Stable! Graphics driver optimization! To optimize the battery!
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2019-03-20 13:47
VPN in network icon in taskbar
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2019-03-20 19:34
App store remembers the apps you installed (like google can) and then it auto installs if you wish.
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2019-03-20 19:39
Add a search box for the Settings
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2019-03-21 10:14
Great news man!

I used to have this kind of app when I was stick with windows 7 and it was very u ...

Hi, i made a first beta build for a new software i called : Shutdown Timer.

More info : https://bbs.deepin.org/post/175791
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2019-03-21 19:39
notification for terminal tasks that are finihsed (like installs and updates.  (like in elementary)
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2019-03-23 19:12
The biggest showstopper is the the slow main server and slow download without using mirrors.  
That needs to be fixed or there will never be any real adoption of Deepin by the public.

I stayed away from Deepin for a long time because of this.  Then after a while I decided to trust the mirror sites.
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2019-03-23 19:39
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2019-03-25 12:46
I don't need new features. I need the current features to be more stable and smooth.

Currently, the only thing stopping me from fully replacing macOS with deepin is that the touchpad gestures around Multitasking View on my Matebook X Pro feel very clumsy and unresponsive compared the macOS. The gestures seem to often fail to register properly when I try to use them--I swipe and nothing happens, or there's a noticeable delay. On macOS, I can swipe up to show the workspace list (Multitasking View) but I can also change my mind partway through swiping and reverse the swipe. without letting go and starting a new swipe, to abort opening it fully. I can also swipe down at any time to exit the workspace list into the currently focused workspace, rather than having to actually use the cursor to click the window. Also, switching between workspaces, inside and outside the Multitasking View, feels a lot smoother in macOS and, again, you can preview the next workspace and decide to cancel by reversing the swipe partway through or stopping before moving too much into the next workspace. The much more fluid feel of macOS makes it really difficult for me to switch to deepin as the awkward feel really interrupts my flow of working with many windows spread over many workspaces.

The less annoying things for me are:
- double tapping on a touch screen to open a file in the file manager is really difficult because you have to be very precise about the place and speed you tap
- the display copy button in the display settings does not work for me when using my USB-C monitor
- it'd be nice to be able to trigger multitasking view from a hot corner
- it'd be nice to have a bluetooth system tray icon for more quickly connecting to bluetooth devices, similar to what already exists for wifi
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2019-04-07 17:32
Touchscreen rotation support or implementing the "iii-sensor-proxy" program into the deepin desktop environment or take it further and implement a way to calibrate touchscreen rotation, would be dam good, every environment reacts differently to the same fixes, where as on works the others touch screen mapping might be rotated which is annoying
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2019-04-27 12:00
Some requests/ideas from me (main OS is win10):
- My number one request: On Windows 10 (and KDE) i can access to frequently or recently used/favorited items when i right click to an app icon on task bar. These can be favorite folders for explorer, some web pages for my browser or videos i recently opened in player etc depending on the app. (task bar jump lists?) Is it possible to add this functionality in Deepin? Shouldn't be too hard for you since you made such a beautiful DE already
- System sounds play at the same time as the app sounds (mail app etc), they overlap - this is annoying, please fix this and implement non-intrusive sounds for system events (preferably short and soft tunes)
- Add some useful tools just like the ones in MX Linux (maybe for future releases)
- System settings on the side panel is cool but it will be inefficient/annoying as you add more settings, so make settings a windowed app (maybe for future releases)
- Add a simple device manager app (maybe for future releases)
- Bluetooth can be switched on/off from settings panel but it doesn't offer any choice to transfer files? It's problematic, please solve it
- Fix the "online subtitles" functionality in video player, user should be able to choose subtitles from a window/list (maybe for future releases)
- A better looking/categorised software center would be nice (maybe for future releases)
- There's an annoying bug in live environment: The system does not accept the wifi password even correct pass is entered. It works only if you enter the password in settings interface.
Please fix this if it's not already fixed.

I think if you do these Deepin OS will be so popular!!
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2019-07-25 21:02
It should have individual volume control for system sound, when I turn the computer on or off the system sound is too loud, even if I turn down the volume it does not respect the default volume control.  Then I had to disable the system startup and shutdown sound.
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2019-07-25 21:06
It should have individual volume control for system sound, when I turn the computer on or off the system sound is too loud, even if I turn down the volume it does not respect the default volume control.  Then I had to disable the system startup and shutdown sound.
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2019-07-26 08:02
If can customize the time format or dispaly like HH:mm dd\nyyyy-mm-dd will be bater.
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