libcurl3 issues
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2018-08-28 22:32
I'm a web developer. I did a fresh installation of 15.7 and facing lots of problem because of libcurl3. If I install libcurl3 I'm not able to use Apache. If I don't use libcurl3 I'm not able to use php-curl, mysql-workbench, php-mcrypt. This is also causing lots of problems with other softwares too. Please fix it asap.

Thanks in advance.
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2018-08-29 10:36

The 15.7 upgrade uninstalled many essentials softwares to Deepin running, including the DDE on my machine.

I had this problem with libcurl3 too. I don't have a solution using only the Deepin official repository, but I solved this problem downloading the problematic softwares via Debian Sid repository.

I followed the step 1 of this tutorial to add the Debian repository:

After add the Debian repository, You can do run in terminal the 'sudo apt-get update' and try retry install of the apache, php-curl, mysql-workbench and php-mcrypt.

After installing the software, I recommend that you remove the Debian repository and run the 'sudo apt-get update' command again on the terminal.

I do not recommend you do any system upgrades when using the Debian repository, in the past I had to reinstall Deepin due to system crashes.
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2018-08-30 22:32
U can try to simply change the mirror in update settings.
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2018-08-31 10:37
Edited by nataraj03 at 2018-8-31 02:40

@weverton: Thanks, that helped a little, in installing the mysql-workbench, but the problem with libcurl remained same. So I installed libcurl3 1st and saved the library files and from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and then installed libcurl4 and replace these files. and everything started working.

Yesterday,  I did a clean install of the OS 15.7 again and installed libcurl3 first, followed by apache, mysql and php7.1, everything works fine now. May be the problem was fixed.
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