Problem with dock after upgrade to 15.6
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2018-06-19 04:29
Edited by lcmuniz at 2018-6-19 01:07

Hi all,

I upgraded to version 15.6 and now the dock locks after the system starts up. Sometimes it disappears altogether, others just freezes and does not accept clicks.

Has anyone been in the same situation?


Luiz Carlos

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2018-06-20 09:16
Yea me too, although I can't seem to find a solution, my only option was to log out and log back in.
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2018-06-21 16:33
Yea me too, although I can't seem to find a solution, my only option was to log out and log back in.

That does not work for me. I am using the system with the dock locked and accessing applications using  the Alpert application. Also, I noticed that Chrome is crashing after some time of use and I have to constantly kill its process. As if it was consuming too much memory. I also checked while using apt-get update that the system is only looking for a single repository: panda InRelease. So many problems with this update...
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2018-06-21 17:15
OK so I managed to find a temporary solution to the problem until the problem's fixed. Whenever the desktop locks on you, press (super+shift+tab) or (windows+shift+tab) which switches window effects, the desktop refreshes without closing your apps, and then you can press the same keys again to activate it again if you want.
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2018-06-23 15:14
OK so I managed to find a temporary solution to the problem until the problem's fixed. Whenever the  ...

Nothing works with me. I will wait for an update but if it takes too long I will return to the Mint system I used before.
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2018-06-24 05:39
I just notice this on a tablet PC that I am using. With 15.5 I was able to use a virtual keyboard such as Florance or Onboard, but now when I use them, the dock will lock and half of the icons will disappear.   I think this is related to the whole dock problem in general.  I can use everything fairly normally with the keyboard attached, but defeats the purpose being able to portable as I like using deepin on a tablet.  Hope they get this fixed soon as I am going over seas in a few weeks.
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2018-06-28 00:05
Nothing works with me. I will wait for an update but if it takes too long I will return to the Min ...
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2018-07-04 17:05
I found a solution that worked for me. The problem was the high memory consumption of the dde-dock process and it had something to do with a service called warsaw.
I used the command
  1. sudo systemctl disable warsaw.service
Copy the Code
and it all worked again. Here is the link I found with the solution:
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