From my experience with deepin linux
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2018-06-12 23:30
I like deepin linux very much but it would be better if some problems would get fixed.
1) Slow update/package installation  speed !  Updating or installing packages is usualy from just a little slow to mission imposible slow !
2) I would love if Kernel and Mesa were more updated
3) I would love if Alt+F2 opened a run window instead of terminal which i can launch via ctrl+alt+t
4)   Btrfs partitioning on installation dialog would be fantastic
5) Look at number 1
6) Maybe you can add an option for unredirect fullscreen windows
7)  look at number 5
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2018-06-13 03:41
use official update server, the one in your country may be slower.
if you like new kernel you can compile and install yourself.
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2018-06-17 11:42
Deepin seems like a paid operating system like you bought yourself a mac but its for free !
So good !
Just do something about these mirrors its the best linux distro so good it should be paid !
Also do something about the file manager too , add file/folder properties and access attributes.
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