update to 15.5.1 not one mirror is working
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2018-05-27 05:16
why the hell are deepin developpers release for ather distros that use the clone of deepin inside there distors , and let the official users of deepin distro standing in the cold ..
if you ask me deepin must clossed there desktopbase open source for ather distros , its a big mistake that others use the basic deepin like arch , ubuntu or whatever .
and like i say in all this distros all updates working for deepin 15.5.1 and in the official not one mirror is working to have this update..
what is wrong with deepin ????

if you ask me the release of the update first for colne deepins in other distros is a very big mistake ..

first the users of the deepin official ,
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2018-05-27 05:51
keep it up and deepin wil fall down beneath the top 100 , first all the distros like arch deepin clone and whatever bullshit and last the official deepin users not good at all, if you want my opinion it is a bad mistake to share deepin in other distros . very bad if you ask me
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2018-05-27 06:03
if u want to have a taste of Deepin 15.5.1, u can build packages by yourself via http://github.com/linuxdeepin. But there are a lot of problems since the codes dont tested, arch can use the DDE 15.5.1 because of some develops build packages from github and post them to commiuty.
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2018-05-28 19:13
You can try to use aother mirror
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2018-05-29 02:12
other mirrors not one mirror have the update not one...
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