Microphone Problem Please Help
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2018-05-21 07:26
Hello everyone,

Im new to the deepin community, so far i love how the distro is made but im issuing problem with my headset.
What am i trying to accomplish here is, when im having my headset connected i would like the headset microphone to be the main microphone instead of the laptop built-in microphone.
I tried installing Realtek HD Audio drivers from realtek's official website, but the compilation failed.

Here is a log from what i got using the "alsa-info" tool.

Please help!
Best regards!

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2018-05-21 18:54
I met the same problem ,too
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2018-05-21 18:58
https://bbs.deepin.org/user/48640 大佬 我也遇到类似的问题 就是自己插入到笔记本 大部分时候是无法识别的 看了一下没有模拟耳机,但是偶尔会出现成功的情况 出现模拟耳机
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2018-05-21 19:22
本帖最后由 caoyuan217 于 2018-5-21 21:10 编辑

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2018-05-22 00:32
The audio output on my machine switches properlly, when i connect headset to my pc the output goes to the headset and when i plug them out it returns back to the speakers. The problem is only with the microphone. Im trying to use my headset microphone as a main microphone, meaning when i have the headset plugged in i would like the driver to start using my headset microphone as main input (if the headset has any microphone), if the headset does not have a microphone it should send the output to the headset but to use the built-in microphone from the laptop.. I was issuing the same problem on windows 7, because im dual booting with windows 7, but after i installed the audio drivers everything got fixed. On windows with the drivers i got an application included called "Realtek HD Audio Manager", and everytime that im going to plug headphones/headset to my pc it pops a window that is asking me to select between: Speakers, Line-in, Headphones, Headset.
If i have "Headphones" selected, i have the same thing as here on deepin linux, the microphone that is beeing used for recording is the built-in microphone from the laptop, but when im selecting "Headset" everything is working as expected and intended.
I have checked the options in "Control Center -> Sound -> Advanced", wasn't of any help.. also tried "qasmixer", "alsamixer" no success either..
If i can provide some more info about my hardware, please let me know!

Best regards
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2018-05-22 04:47
本帖最后由 caoyuan217 于 2018-5-21 21:29 编辑

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2018-05-27 01:12
bump.. anyone?
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