suggestion: more user friendly partitioning that's available during install
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2018-04-03 17:23
2 suggestions
1. I thing I noticed is the this distro lacks a user friendly disk partition. The user is expected to manually partition the disk and this can be difficult especially if you're coming from another OS. It would be great if users (new or experts) are given an option to select a disk and deepin auto-partitions that. Even debian which can be unfriendly to new users have this feature.
2. Allow users to use more than 16 characters for password. It's not that hard. I'm sure the upstream debian source has this built-in already!


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2019-05-14 08:15
A suggestion I'd like to add is the ability to customize mount points. I was going to give deepin a try, but I have two partitions that are mounts of subdirectories from my home directory. However I can only select from a drop-down list during install--the mount point field is uneditable. With Mint, the mount point field is editable, so I can type in whatever I want. I ended up going back to Mint instead of deepin.
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