after installing infinality fonts selection and click not work in desktop
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2018-03-02 03:36
after installing infinality fonts Desktop Icons hidden and can't use right && lift click on desktop and fileManager not working , i try to install nautilus and it run good but alot of right click option not found .
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2018-03-02 06:14
Give a try to the setup of ttf fonts.
Follow these instructions:
Change to the /tmp directory.

  1. cd /tmp
Copy the Code

Clone the Git repository.

  1. git clone
Copy the Code

Create a sub directory in your system's fonts directory. This is usually /usr/share/fonts, otherwise consult your distribution's documentation.

  1. sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/wps-fonts
Copy the Code

Move fonts to the new directory.

  1. sudo mv ttf-wps-fonts/* /usr/share/fonts/wps-fonts
Copy the Code

Fix the file permissions.

  1. sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/fonts/wps-fonts/*
Copy the Code

Rebuild the font cache.

  1. sudo fc-cache -vfs
Copy the Code

Clean up the tmp directory.

  1. rm -rf /tmp/ttf-wps-fonts
Copy the Code

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2018-03-02 06:46
thanks bro it work.
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