Windows partition to be read only
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2018-02-28 02:49
Hello deepin community

I recently installed deepin and I enjoy it a lot but there is one thing that annoys me.
I have one ssd with Windows 10 installed and another one with deepin.
So every time I boot into deepin I'm greeted with this message box

It would be nice if I could write onto windows partitions but my main problem is actually the massage box appearing on every start.

What I tried to fix this:
  • boot into windows and restart
  • pressing shutdown with shift key pressed in windows
  • turn off the fast start option in windows
So far nothing of this worked.

Also I looked into /etc/fstab to see if I can toggle automatic mounting of the windows ssd without success as I only found the two deepin partitions there:
  1. # /dev/sdb5
  2. UUID=9a91b596-83fd-4e7d-85fe-297b6db3849e        /                 ext4              rw,relatime,data=ordered        0 1

  3. # /dev/sdb6
  4. UUID=0f14b4f8-842b-4d7c-af2a-13678294e5b7        none              swap              defaults          0 0
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To add I'm fairly new to Linux in case I'm missing something obvious or I left any useful details.
I'm looking forward to receive some help.
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