Deepin on Arch wow it blew my mind
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2018-02-19 07:00
Edited by amrith at 2018-2-19 12:04

i loved deepin its line porn of linux DE.however there are many problems i think recent updates broke many stuff but i hope developers fix it faster

my observation/suggestions

1. Deepin is really good but theming can be improved i.e no user submitted themes for it
2. devs should now focus on improving the current desktop experience rather than implementing new features
3. should make settings to turn off animations and effects one by one(animation controls)
4. Where are the configuratiin files??5.please optimise the performance of the deepin dde (could use solus linux as reference)
6. There should be more tutorials on how to do various customisations and tweaks (there arent any probably because chinease people only wants to communicate in mandarin no offence but the world needs a common language )

thank the developers for this awesome desktop

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2018-02-19 07:15
Arch (as well as its derivatives) has updated Qt libraries to version 5.10, without rebuilding DDE. That's why many Deepin applications broke.
The maintainer of Arch repo may soon fix it. Don't panic ;)
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2018-02-19 07:22
Arch (as well as its derivatives) has updated Qt libraries to version 5.10, without rebuilding DDE.  ...

thanks for the reply
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2018-02-19 17:05
What do you mean that this will be rebuilt? Is Arch debian really that much better?
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2018-02-19 17:45
What do you mean that this will be rebuilt? Is Arch debian really that much better?

DDE applications have to be rebuilt after Qt5 libraries (to which DDE applications are linked)  have been updated to a newer version (saying 5.9 -> 5.10).
Qt5 promised to provide binary compatibility. However the real cases are not always so simple
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2018-02-19 19:53
mmsoftic replied at 2018-2-19 09:05
What do you mean that this will be rebuilt? Is Arch debian really that much better?

Arch linux is not debian they are different
Arch  has its own repositories
rebuilt meaning that because the packaging are different in arch and debian packages have to be built for Arch just like it is done for debian. Because of some updates deepin has to be rebuilt in arch repo.
Deebian ubuntu arch are all having their own advantages and disadvantages
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2018-02-20 01:36
Is there any chance to see the performance of Solus in deepin when OpenGL and WebGL code is executed in Mozilla Firefox Quantum and in Google Chromium based browsers?
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2018-02-21 04:39
Is there any chance to see the performance of Solus in deepin when OpenGL and WebGL code is executed ...

is that a question for me?
i dont understand what you mean?
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2018-02-21 08:35
Sorry, it was a question for the Developers of deepin
2018-02-21 04:41
Is there any chance to see the performance of Solus in deepin when OpenGL and WebGL code is executed ...

solus has firefox chromium etc too...the optimisation is mainly use of clear boot manager to load quicker and other optimisation i really dont know but developers may understand.
I am not connected to solus in any manner i just have used it but budgie is minimal and not really good
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2018-02-21 08:37
Yes I know that Budgie is minimalist and not so good.

But Solus performance are very good during the execution of OpenGL and WebGL code in the main Web browsers.