touch screen support
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2018-02-12 04:08
Touch devices are a decade old now.
Where is the touchscreen support?
The stylus calibration is trash!
All this polish in a DE for what!?!?!
I've been waiting months for you guys to finally get 4k monitor scaling and now there are 4k pictures with crap touch and stylus support.
Beautiful desktop and a huge disappointment.  

I've tried installing xinput and wacom and evdev and settig up the pen configs but does not work because libinput is crap for touch and stylus.  Is it really going to be another 10 years before your OS works on decent computers?!?!?
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2018-03-11 06:38
Wow, ur mad... Want it for free and want it NOW. I use Deepin on an ASUS X200CA netbook and touchscreen is supported "out of the box".  No need for calibration so i can not say i have seen the callibrationtool. Anyhow, what is the hardware you are using? Does any (other) Debian distrubutions you tested worked good for you? Did you test the problem on any other linux?
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