Deepin 15.5 kernel 4.14 and 4.9
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2018-02-09 01:33
after some updates, probably a kernel update to, can not perfom a normal boot anymore.have to go to deeping advance option were are boot options like this :
deepin 15.5 - amd 64 - kernel 4.14
deepin 15.5 - amd 64 - kernel 4.14  - recovery mode

deepin 15.5 - amd 64 - kernel 4.9
deepin 15.5 - amd 64 - kernel 4.9 - recovery mode  
the option in red worked for me.
How to set this option to boot at default ( in place of kernel 4.14 )
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2018-02-09 07:44
本帖最后由 windcz91 于 2018-2-9 01:31 编辑

try this:
1.find the file:/boot/grub/grub.cfg.
then copy some codes in this file:

it's behind the codes like this:
  1. submenu 'Advanced options for Deepin 15.5 GNU/Linux' ......
Copy the Code

2.paste the code in this file :/etc/grub.d/40_custom
like this:

3. type in command:sudo update-grub
4.find the file:/etc/default/grub
and change fourth line:

5.type in command:sudo update-grub

after these these steps the computer were supposed to boot  the kernel 4.9 by default

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2018-02-09 07:55
sudo apt-get remove linux-image-4.14.0-deepin2-amd64
Simply remove the newer and not working command with the command above.
Then it will set the older version as default automatically.
I had a similar problem with the new kernel version on my laptop and that fixed it.
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2018-02-09 11:13
With Nvidia drivers, and KMS mode enabled, is impossible to boot in last kernel, but, re-installing them, without KMS, makes it possible. I don't know if you guys, use Nvidia propietary drivers.
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2018-02-10 04:04
My laptop only has integrated Intel HD Graphics and no special graphics card so that's definitely not the problem.
I also tried to deactivate the proprietary intel-microcode but that didn't solve it.
Downgrading to the older kernel was the only solution which worked for me.
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