How to reinstall bootloader GRUB?
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2018-02-04 00:24
1. So I installed another Linux distro (for testing purposes) on top my existing Windows+Deepin 15.5 dual boot setup
2. After this, the bootloader was changed from Deepin's version to the new distro's version. Everything is fine as i can boot into Deepin via the new distro's bootloader

3. I then wiped the partition containing the new distro (at this point I still have Windows+Deepin)

4. But when I reboot, the deepin's bootloader is not there.

How do I get the blue Deepin bootloader screen back?

I have two drives SSD + HDD

Here is how partitions look right now

SSD (sda)

Disk /dev/sda: 111.8 GiB

Device         Start       End   Sectors  Size Type
/dev/sda1       2048    923647    921600  450M Windows recovery enviro
/dev/sda2     923648   1126399    202752   99M Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda3    1128448   1161215     32768   16M Microsoft reserved
/dev/sda4    1161216 132340325 131179110 62.6G Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda5  132341760 134084607   1742848  851M Windows recovery environment
/dev/sda6  134084608 134289407    204800  100M EFI System
/dev/sda7  134289408 135313407   1024000  500M Linux filesystem
/dev/sda8  135313408 234440703  99127296 47.3G Linux filesystem

HDD (sdb)

Disk /dev/sdb: 931.5 GiB

Device          Start        End   Sectors   Size Type
/dev/sdb1          34     262177    262144   128M Microsoft reserved
/dev/sdb2      264192  909449215 909185024 433.5G Microsoft basic data
/dev/sdb3   909449216  970481663  61032448  29.1G Microsoft basic data
/dev/sdb4   970481664 1116792831 146311168  69.8G Linux filesystem
/dev/sdb5  1116792832 1125181439   8388608     4G Linux filesystem
/dev/sdb6  1125181440 1175281663  50100224  23.9G Linux filesystem
/dev/sdb7  1175283712 1890607103 715323392 341.1G Microsoft basic data

sda7 used to be the Deepin Bootloader location.
sda8 is /
sdb4 is /home
sdb5 is /tmp
sdb6 is /var

sda6 is Windows 10

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2018-02-04 01:11
本帖最后由 homma 于 2018-2-3 17:14 编辑

Try update-grub in the latest Linux system which you installed .Then,reboot and you could see Deepin's bootloader.


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2018-02-04 03:20
After this, the bootloader was changed from Deepin's version to the new distro's version. Everything is fine as i can boot into Deepin via the new distro's bootloader
2018-02-04 01:18
BISO+MBR way may works well on multiplied OS system
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2018-02-04 01:19
I'm not good at Einglish.
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2018-02-04 01:59
As mentioned, I deleted new distro after testing ( by wiping that partition ). My /dev/sda7 still has Deepin bootloader but it  doesnot load. Any step by step instructions would be great. Thanks a lot
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2018-02-04 21:12
Ok I solved it. Although I did a lot of things so I am not sure what actually caused to solve the problem.

1. I installed new Deepin overriding my sda7 patition as an EFI partition

2. I then restore my old Deepin's sda7 partition into this newly created EFI partition (using Clonezilla for backup and restore). In short I overwrote the sda7 partition with restored version.

3. I then updated the new Deepin.
  1. sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
Copy the Code

4. After reboot I can now see Boot option for the old Deepin alongside the newone.
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