deepin 15.5 64bit | deepin seems to be still vulnerable to Meltdown and Spectre
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2018-01-25 07:21
Edited by Blogghete at 2018-1-24 16:26

are you sure that the Intel patch is enough to fix the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities in a Debian sid based os? I don't think so...
Thanks to really fix these security issues with the future patches.

See with your eyes, open a command prompt terminal and execute the following commands:
git clone

  1. cd spectre-meltdown-checker/
Copy the Code
  1. sudo ./
Copy the Code

The results:
username@username-PC:~$ git clone
Cloning into 'spectre-meltdown-checker'...
remote: Counting objects: 489, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (22/22), done.
remote: Total 489 (delta 26), reused 28 (delta 20), pack-reused 447
Ricezione degli oggetti: 100% (489/489), 170.92 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Risoluzione dei delta: 100% (294/294), done.
username@username-PC:~$ cd spectre-meltdown-checker/
username@username-PC:~/spectre-meltdown-checker$ sudo ./
[sudo] password di username:
Spectre and Meltdown mitigation detection tool v0.32

Checking for vulnerabilities on current system
Kernel is Linux 4.14.0-deepin2-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT Deepin 4.14.12-2 (2018-01-06) x86_64
CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz

Hardware check
* Hardware support (CPU microcode) for mitigation techniques
  * Indirect Branch Restricted Speculation (IBRS)
    * SPEC_CTRL MSR is available:  YES
    * CPU indicates IBRS capability:  YES  (SPEC_CTRL feature bit)
  * Indirect Branch Prediction Barrier (IBPB)
    * PRED_CMD MSR is available:  YES
    * CPU indicates IBPB capability:  YES  (SPEC_CTRL feature bit)
  * Single Thread Indirect Branch Predictors (STIBP)
    * SPEC_CTRL MSR is available:  YES
    * CPU indicates STIBP capability:  YES
  * Enhanced IBRS (IBRS_ALL)
    * CPU indicates ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR availability:  NO
    * ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR advertises IBRS_ALL capability:  NO
  * CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Meltdown (RDCL_NO):  NO
* CPU vulnerability to the three speculative execution attacks variants
  * Vulnerable to Variant 1:  YES
  * Vulnerable to Variant 2:  YES
  * Vulnerable to Variant 3:  YES

CVE-2017-5753 [bounds check bypass] aka 'Spectre Variant 1'
* Checking count of LFENCE opcodes in kernel:  NO
> STATUS:  VULNERABLE  (only 23 opcodes found, should be >= 70, heuristic to be improved when official patches become available)

CVE-2017-5715 [branch target injection] aka 'Spectre Variant 2'
* Mitigation 1
  * Kernel is compiled with IBRS/IBPB support:  NO
  * Currently enabled features
    * IBRS enabled for Kernel space:  NO
    * IBRS enabled for User space:  NO
    * IBPB enabled:  NO
* Mitigation 2
  * Kernel compiled with retpoline option:  NO
  * Kernel compiled with a retpoline-aware compiler:  NO
  * Retpoline enabled:  NO
> STATUS:  VULNERABLE  (IBRS hardware + kernel support OR kernel with retpoline are needed to mitigate the vulnerability)

CVE-2017-5754 [rogue data cache load] aka 'Meltdown' aka 'Variant 3'
* Kernel supports Page Table Isolation (PTI):  YES
* PTI enabled and active:  YES
* Running under Xen PV (64 bits):  NO
> STATUS:  NOT VULNERABLE  (PTI mitigates the vulnerability)

A false sense of security is worse than no security at all, see --disclaimer

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2018-01-27 03:54
The video of the test:

You can see the video in HQ:
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2018-01-30 08:58
Edited by Blogghete at 2018-1-29 18:02

Linus Torvalds declares Intel fix for Meltdown/Spectre ‘COMPLETE AND UTTER GARBAGE’: ... -and-utter-garbage/

Microsoft Releases KB4078130 Update to Disable Spectre Variant 2 Patch ... -patch-519580.shtml

I'm waiting for the patch of Variant 2 of the Meltdown / Spectre vulnerabilities for deepin.
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