Tablet mode!
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2018-01-13 15:44
I have convertible laptop (lenovo yoga).
When Deepin is going to support touch inputs and digital pen. And the tablet mode. (With bigger buttons etc ..) As windows 10.
Your disttibution is my only hope. Because you are the only one who is developing right now.
Thank you best regards.
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2018-01-14 01:11
Similarly,l hope the official website will join us
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2018-01-15 04:36
It depends on your hardware if Deepin supports touch.
For my convertible laptop (TrekStor SurfTab Twin 11.6) touch works.
Some things are really good to use with touch,for example the start menu.
But yes,I agree that some things could be improved here.
For example it would be good if I could scroll everywhere with touch gestures not just in Yandex Browser.
And a better touch keyboard which can open and close automatically and looks better would be great.
The only one I found which is working looks extremely old and ugly and open/close automatically doesn't work but at least I can write something.
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2018-01-28 02:57
It is not just about touch. It is about full tablet mode. Customized icons, button, pen support, ink workspace, etc...
Move with time Deepin
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