Deepin Dock keeps crashing and restarting
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2018-01-09 07:18
Edited by fusion809 at 2018-1-8 23:43


I am not sure what I did but the deepin dock keeps crashing and re-starting for me whenever I touch it (including when I launch an application on it, move icons on it, etc.). I have tried removing my config directory (~/.config) in the hope it was merely a faulty config but it still keeps doing this. I have also tried re-installing dde-dock as well as deepin window manager-related packages in the hope it was a window manager issue (which now I realize is somewhat ridiculous as window titlebars do not disappear when the dock crashes). Any ideas what the problem is? I'm presently in the process of re-installing all my packages with:

  1. sudo apt-get install --reinstall -y $(dpkg --list | grep "^ii" | cut -d ' ' -f 3)
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in the possibly vain hope that this fixes things. Oh and by-the-way my system is up-to-date in case you're wondering I regularly run:

  1. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove -y && sudo apt-get autoclean
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Programs like the file manager and VLC seem more prone to crashing too for some reason.

I tried to debug this myself with:

  1. LD_DEBUG=libs dde-dock &> lib-debug-dde-dock.log
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Precise error that occurs when dde dock crashed (which it did at the end of this log) was a segmentation fault.  

Thanks for your time,

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2018-01-09 23:39
Please submit your log  the next time the crash issue happen and send to us.
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2018-01-10 03:00
If this issue can't be reproduced easily, I would recommend you to install debug symbols (package dde-dock-dbgsym), or even better, download & compile dde-dock from source with debug symbols, and then attach gdb to get a backtrace of the crash.
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2018-01-10 12:20
Edited by fusion809 at 2018-1-10 04:48

Sorry that I didn't mention this earlier but I actually tried that and ran strace on dde-dock (with debugging symbols). The problem is that the strace is so long that I can't pastebin it or gist it. Likewise this site won't let me upload it (like to a reply to this thread), I'm left uploading to my Dropbox / Google Drive and my browsers have been having a hard time with this. I suppose I could upload it in a repo to GitHub. Here it is
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2018-01-10 12:22
Edited by fusion809 at 2018-1-10 04:23

By-the-way is there a way I can receive email notifications from this forum whenever a new reply is made?
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2018-01-10 17:57
Edited by fusion809 at 2018-1-10 04:48

Sorry that I didn't mention this earlier but I actually tr ...

You can zip and upload it as an attachment (flash must be enabled).
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2018-01-10 18:08
Edited by fusion809 at 2018-1-10 04:48

Sorry that I didn't mention this earlier but I actually tr ...

Your strace said:

--- SIGSEGV {si_signo=SIGSEGV, si_code=SEGV_MAPERR, si_addr=0x7fff02f33ff8} ---
Seems a pointer dereferencing bug

However, strace reveals only system calls but this issue seems coming from userspace, so I recommend gdb for further investigation.

Steps: run `gdb`, run gdb command `attach pid_of_dde_dock`, and run gdb command  'c' to let dde-dock to continue; wait until dde-dock crashes, and run gdb command `bt` to get the backtrace.
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2018-01-12 18:18
Well it doesn't do this on a fresh install so I'm going to hope that a re-install fixes this. If this fails I'll use GDB. Given that this bug affects so many programs I suspect it will be complex to fix.
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2018-01-12 19:31
Edited by fusion809 at 2018-1-12 14:24

Well I found out that the cause of the problem was my dotfiles. See I copied them from my old install to my new install and the problem occurred in the new install, which gave me a hint as to the problem. Some dot file in my home folder was causing the problem. I do not know which one, but I do know it wasn't my .config folder or .local folder. I removed these two folders, then checked if the problem still occurred and it did. Then removed all other dot files and folders and the problem went away.
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