Youtube HD videos
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2017-12-22 05:12
Edited by grendon at 2017-12-21 21:18

Hi community!

I've been having some issues when watching videos on youtube in HD.

My pc starts to lag a lot and the cpu usage tops 98%. If I leave it at 360p or 480p it works fine.

This doesn't happens when booted into Windows 10. I can watch videos even in 1080p.

I downloaded deepin graphics driver controller and switch to accelerated mode, with the same results.

My PC is a Lenovo Thinkpad X220, 4GB of RAM, Intel® Core™ i5-2520M.

What could be happening here?

Thank you.

Edit: This happens with Chrome and Firefox. I'm using latest Deepin version.
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2017-12-22 21:22
How about local video, and other web video?
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