No Wireless Network in Deepin Recovery Mode !!!
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m***[email protected]
2017-12-11 09:12

There is no Wireless Network settings in Deepin Recovery Mode.
As a result i have no way to connect to my internet !!!

wired network is obsolete and hardly used, who uses wired network in the current times ?

Hope to see that added asap !!!

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2017-12-11 12:10
Recovery Mode aims to provide a minimal desktop environment so that one could do recovery work when the installed system does not work. As wireless support requires numerous drivers for wireless network card, which can be the cause of boot failure, it is then wise to not load them by default. But you can try to load it (if you have already found the driver file/package) by yourself once you have logged in to recovery environment.

See: ... ess-drivers-offline
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2017-12-11 12:46
Obsolete? It provides much more speed and stability than a wireless connection, my worst choice in life was to buy wi-fi cards and dongles... Only saying, for risky tasks all the world will recommend wired connection, if you have a connection problem, your isp and every isp will make you use the ethernet cable to make the scans, and if you are an extreme gamer like me you'll end hating the word "wi-fi" more than a Linux promoter hates the word "Windows"... Greetings haha
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m***[email protected]
2017-12-11 21:47
Obsolete? It provides much more speed and stability than a wireless connection, my worst choice in l ...

sorry ... not to offend anybody ... i know its the most reliable connection because of the physical connection.

i meant obsolete not in the 'technological sense' but rather in the general 'use case practical scenario' ... i mean with laptops and handheld devices how many places (non-work-place-environments) will have a wire setup ... i meant 'use' of wired connection has gone 'obsolete' ... not the the technology itself.

hence the need for the same in Recovery Mode ... as practically one would not have a wired connection in a non-work-place-environment ... that is all
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m***[email protected]
2017-12-11 21:52
Recovery Mode aims to provide a minimal desktop environment so that one could do recovery work when  ...

i understand that, but most of us rely on internet for trouble shooting ... and with the wired connection almost obsolete in a 'non-workplace-environment' ... makes sense for the wireless network being made available in 'Recovery Mode' ... they could provide a small wifi driver installer in the recovery apps so one can install the driver after we boot into the recovery mode(if its possible that is)
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2017-12-12 08:03
You can search the internet with your phone.
Linux doesn't break as often as windows,you won't have to fix it every second day.
Even if surfing with the phone isn't that good,it's good enough to find a solution for your problem.
It's good that the recovery mode comes with as few things as possible.
But I don't agree with the opinion that wifi is unstable.
I have connected everything using wifi,even my server.
It works perfectly,it's fast and there are never connection issues.
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m***[email protected]
2017-12-12 21:42
wow guys ... this is going in a whole different tangent ... the point being missed by a long shot !!!

Is it such a big deal ... including the wifi driver packaged into the recovery mode ?
I don't know ... i am not a techie !!!

And If one had to search for solutions with their phones or other handheld devices, ... then don't you think even the ethernet driver is not really required ... and that would make firefox browser packaged inside the recovery mode unnecessary ... I am sure with the ethernet driver and firefox out of the recovery boot, the recovery mode will become all that much more lighter ... that is if a recovery modes primary objective would be to boot light ... read this para once again ... it will sound like a load full of crap.

Lets get real ... from what i know the primary objective of a recovery mode is to recover the system from a bad problem ... period !!! ... and to fix a bad problem ... one needs to find solutions & most of all one needs to implement those solutions from inside a recovery boot ... and if ease of doing all that ... is(and should be) one of the other objectives high up the order ... then one needs to find for those solutions in the world of the 'Big Bad World of Internet' ... and for this purpose a wifi driver is needed ... period !!! ...  
there is no arguing that ... a non-work-place environment will NOT have the luxury of the ethernet line, the USE of ethernet IS OBSOLETE (and not the techonlogy itself ... everybody know that it can never get obsolete for the simple fact that its a physical connection, lets not debate over it anymore) !!!

So unless the wifi driver packaged into the recovery is indeed a BIG DEAL ... then a recovery mode's use case just got limited ... in terms of ease-of-use and there's no denying that. If the makers of the software feel this way then that's the end of that !!!

So unless Deepin Official Support says one way or the other then all debate and arguments are just a waste of time. So lets hope they respond one way or the other !!!
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