lock screen fails
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2017-12-09 03:09
Hello guys! These days I docoverd a situation with the lockscreen feature.
I use extended screen at my office but at home i use just my own screen, so when I let the notebook on hybernate mode using just one screen and turn on again with the seccond monitor plugged happens this tyne (social) vulnerability:

The system shows the content of the last screen. Its not allowed to type nothing, but if you have security information or data at this window you will probably get problems.

Let me know if is it a bullshit and if its possible to fix on next release.

Bye guys! congratulations for the good job!
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2017-12-16 04:25
I guess nobody see this
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2017-12-16 17:01
I see 47 views, so someone is looking, give it sometime, perhaps someone pops in with a solution for you, also you might want to join the Telegram group and IRC channel, maybe you can get help faster there too, I wish I could be of more help.
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