VirtualBox guest additions: causes desktop background to be black
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2017-12-02 02:44
Edited by fusion809 at 2017-12-1 18:53


I love deepin but unfortunately after installing VirtualBox guest additions 5.2.2 with the .run installer provided by the guest additions image the desktop background is pitch black. The only other changes I had made after installing deepin was running `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y`, choosing the "Common mode" in the pop up that occurred on first system start up, along with installing Firefox, changing mirrors to the one closest to me (the AARNet one), and installing apt-fast (, so my package download speeds would be better. Here's a screenshot of that black desktop background:

I right-click the desktop background and choose the option "Select Wallpaper" for some reason the background is shown perfectly until I choose a wallpaper at which point the background becomes bitch black, yet again. Here is what I see what I click the "Select Wallpaper", until I select a wallpaper, that is:

If it helps my host system (under which I'm running VirtualBox, in VirtualBox deepin is, of course, running) is Arch Linux. I didn't install VirtualBox guest additions via APT as the version provided by it (5.1.26, I think) is older than my version of VirtualBox (5.2.2).

Thanks for your time,

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2017-12-02 09:16
Preparation to build kernel module's manually, before using the .run installer is often necessary on Debian based system.
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2017-12-08 06:12
You mean install Linux headers, build-essential, etc.? Done that. Don't worry I'm used to the routine I've probably tried over 70 different operating systems in virtual machines and whenever I can and there's a GUI I install guest additions.
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2018-03-22 06:41
Edited by madkoding at 2018-3-21 22:52

disable 3d acceleration from the VirtualBox and everything will work fine
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2018-03-24 07:53
This is a VirtualBox regression, try VBox Guest addition 5.2.4.
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