Deepin 15.5 Beta
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2017-11-30 05:40
Edited by najkon at 2017-11-29 21:46

On start I would like to congratulate you for a wonderful job!
system is awesom!

but still missing for me is style for time & date
  1. ~: gsettings list-keys com.deepin.dde.datetime
  2. is-auto-set
  3. user-timezone-list
  4. dst-offset
  5. is-24hour
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please add style too make e.g. in menu bar
Apr 19 2017

or anything else but preserving the format of date and time
It would be great if it came in a new version or new update

- and about VPN menu - when be added option to make VPN connection only for resources on its network?
- and second problem for me not always work opening Menu when I put mouse in corner. If i want open that menu i must open it from Menu Start and click Control Center

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