¿Como acelerar la rueda del ratón ? How to accelerate the mouse wheel?
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2017-11-27 11:03
Edited by mertellx at 2017-11-27 03:03

Necesito para un uso diario controlar la velocidad y espacio de la rueda del ratón. ¿Conocen de alguna aplicación para Deepin que permita esto?. También me gustaría aprovechar para solicitar que incluyeran esta carácterística en el Centro de Control de Depin.
Características buscadas:
La rueda del ratón desplaza: x líneas
Distancia inicio de arrastre: x píxeles

I need, for a daily use, to control the speed and space of the mouse wheel. Do you know of any application for Deepin that allows this? I would also like to take the opportunity to request that they include this characteristic in the Depin Control Center.
Characteristics searched:
Mouse wheel scrolls: x lines
Drag start distance: x pixels

Imagen de ejemplo (KDE) - Image:

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2017-11-27 12:04
Edited by o4is at 2017-11-27 04:28

I'm not sure what drag start distance is, but look at the two links below:
maybe this?
  1. gsettings set com.deepin.wrap.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse drag-threshold X
Copy the Code
where X is a number.
check the initial value first:
  1. gsettings get com.deepin.wrap.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse drag-threshold
Copy the Code
you can also install dconf-editor and look for other mouse options available under the same path(com.deepin.wrap...), and other paths also.

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2017-11-27 17:12
Thanks for your help, I am a newbie and that seems complicated to me. I found this: (The method is not as complete as the KDE image but it can help.)
Instalar imwheel:
sudo apt-get install imwheel
Put imwheel in your Preferences -> Startup Applications list.
Pon inwheel en tus Preferencias -> Lista de aplicaciones de inicio.
Descargue el siguiente código (archivo .sh) de http://www.nicknorton.net/mousewheel.sh
Guárdelo en su carpeta de inicio y hágalo ejecutable. Ejecútalo, mueva el punto por la barra para aumentar la velocidad de la rueda del ratón (espacio) .
Download the code below http://www.nicknorton.net/mousewheel.sh
Save it into your home folder, make it executable. Run it and enjoy.
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2017-11-27 21:54
Thanks for your help, I am a newbie and that seems complicated to me. I found this: (The method is n ...

Yes, thats right.
The first link i sent you is about imwheel. It has simple instructions and it is working. I've used it in the past.
You could also install something like dconf-editor(sudo apt-get install dconf-editor) which is a  gui application and explore a few more mouse options that may interest you, like drag-threshold...etc.
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2017-11-29 05:01
I have installed dconf-editor. I do not know how to use it. what is there to do?
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2017-11-29 05:46
Edited by o4is at 2017-11-28 22:16
I have installed dconf-editor. I do not know how to use it. what is there to do?

Use the search bar. Write "mouse" or "peripherals"in it. Press enter.

Or this command in terminal:
  1. gsettings list-schemas | grep mouse | sed 's/\./ > /g'
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com > deepin > wrap > gnome > desktop > peripherals > mouse
org > gnome > desktop > a11y > mouse
com > deepin > wrap > gnome > settings-daemon > peripherals > mouse
com > deepin > wrap > gnome > desktop > a11y > mouse
org > gnome > desktop > peripherals > mouse
com > deepin > dde > mouse
com > deepin > wrap > gnome > settings-daemon > plugins > mouse
com > deepin > dde > peripherals > mouse

These are some paths in dcont-editor you want to look for mouse options.
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2017-11-30 16:11
Thanks very much.
I looked for "mouse" in the magnifying glass of dconf-editor.
Image with mouse options
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