2017-09-29 00:47 deepin
Deepin doesn't have anything to do with the speed of your internet connection,except when your wifi signal is bad.
If you mean that updates take too long,I have an solution.
There are two mirror servers available in Brazil which should be faster:
To use one of them,you need the terminal.
Use the following command: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Now remove the link and replace it with one of the two Brazil mirrors.
Do NOT remove the "deb" at the beginning of the line or something which comes after the link.
Just replace the link,which is only the thing beginning with http:// and without any spaces in it,that's where it ends.
Now save the file and try it,probably you have to reboot.
If you mean that updates take too long,I have an solution.
There are two mirror servers available in Brazil which should be faster:
To use one of them,you need the terminal.
Use the following command: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Now remove the link and replace it with one of the two Brazil mirrors.
Do NOT remove the "deb" at the beginning of the line or something which comes after the link.
Just replace the link,which is only the thing beginning with http:// and without any spaces in it,that's where it ends.
Now save the file and try it,probably you have to reboot.
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