Code::Blocks not "compiling"
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2017-09-05 07:58
Edited by ike4948 at 2017-9-4 23:59

I am back in school taking Computer Science, so I need a C++ compiler. I downloaded Code::Blocks from the AppStore - mostly because my professor suggested we use it - but it won't compile it. As I understand it, Code::Blocks can't even build the program - which, I'm assuming, is the same thing as compiling. Every time it tries I get the following error message:

[ 50-------------- Build file: "no target" in "no project" (compiler: unknown)---------------

[ 50.0%] g++ -Winit-self -Wundef -Wfloat-equal -Wunreachable-code -std=c++98 -g  -c /home/.../CSC-201/Assignment#1.cpp -o /home/.../CSC-201/Assignment#1.o
/bin/sh: 1: g++: not found
Process terminated with status 127 (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))
0 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))

But for the life of me I can't figure out what the problem is. I'd ask my professor for help, but I don't know if he would be much help because of the distrubution I'm using, plus, you know, it's Linux.

I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling. That didn't help. I tried switching to "Eclipse IDE for C++ developers." That didn't help, either. Any help/advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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2017-09-05 17:31
sudo apt install gcc g++
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2017-09-05 17:44
#2  See if there is a problem with this application.
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2017-09-07 10:15
sudo apt install gcc g++

I tried to put that into the terminal, but then it asked for a password. Know idea what's happening, but I can't input any characters. What do I do?
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ti******[email protected]
2017-09-07 10:53
I tried to put that into the terminal, but then it asked for a password. Know idea what's happenin ...

The terminal receives your input but doesn't show it. Type in your password, press enter and you're good to go
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2017-09-07 14:23
Edited by ike4948 at 2017-9-7 06:24
The terminal receives your input but doesn't show it. Type in your password, press enter and you'r ...

Typed in my password and it ran. However, at the end, or rather before it completed, I received the following error message:

Processing was halted because there were too many errors.
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

What went wrong and, if possible, how can I fix it?
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2017-09-07 17:20
Thanks for the help guys. I really appreciate it. My laptop just went through an update and, so, I went to test Code::Blocks. It works.

Thanks, again. Especially for the advice on the password thing.
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2017-09-07 18:13
Thanks for the help guys. I really appreciate it. My laptop just went through an update and, so, I w ...

Looks like there is no problem about the application.Glad you have solved the issue.
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