Install on SSD M.2 NVMe boot problem
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2017-09-02 08:35
Hi all!

I tryed to install twice Deepin last version using to operate system a SSD M.2 NVMe drive.

I divided it in swap, boot efi and root partition.

The installer recognize it and didn't show any error during the install proccess.

Anyway after reboot the system can't find the boot loader.

Could someone help me with that?

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2017-09-04 18:14
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2017-09-05 17:48
What's the model name of laptop/PC are u using? Dell XPS ? Thinkpad X1? or what else?

You may enter BIOS setup page and check whether Deepin Linux is in UEFI boot items.
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2017-09-07 05:34
My laptop is a Samsung Odyssey NP800G5M Intel Core i7 7700HQ, 32GB RAM, SSD M.2 NVMe PCIe to Operate system (Linux Deepin only) and another SSD to use as home partition.

I did it. As the boot was not found, I enter and check the BIOS but after install Deepin the computer do not show any entrance to boot with Deepin. Don't matter if I put UEFI or Legacy. Don't matter is I enable os disable secure boot.
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