2017-08-14 17:36 deepin
Maybe I should have worded it better. I've heard mostly positive things about the new release but the negative reviews were really negative. Not just little problems. I know you guys take pride in doing awesome work and I didn't mean to piss on any ones shoes. I was just wondering if any more known issues still exist. Thanks for the reply. After trying many distros over the past few years when I found Deepin I fell in love. Elem OS, Zorin, Mint, Ubuntuu, Kubuntuu, Xbuntuu just didn't "get me" like Deepin did from day 1. I wouldn't switch unless I had too but the over seas server I'll be adjusting too runs Centos i believe. It makes sense to run the same based distro at home no ? Thanks so much and i commend you al for the amount of work that goes into maintaining a stabled distro. All the best
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