【End】2017/07/31 Internal Testing For Deepin Flatpak Format V1.0
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2017-08-01 01:16
Hi everyone, To ensure the quality of the coming soon Deepin Flatpak V1.0, we're going to do the internal test of DeepinFlatpak V1.0 All internal test group members should take an active part in this activity. Thank you!

Testing Schedule

  •     2017.07.31: Commence testing
  •     2017.07.31——2017.08.04
  •     2017.08.04: End testing

Test Procedure

There is no questionnaire this time, you can directly reply this post if you have encountered any problems.


  •     The internal testing is limited to members of https://bbs.deepin.org/post/131244, join it?
  •     All members of Internal Testing Team will participate by default
  •     Members who consecutively absent for 3 times without asking for leave, will be dismissed from the Team
  •     Please do not distribute the content and data of the Internal Testing, otherwise will be dismissed from the Team


Many thanks to all the Internal Testing Team members for your active participation!

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2017-08-01 02:13
Applications do not start!

flatpak run com.deepin.Music
2017-07-31, 13:09:30.612 [Debug  ] [dapplication.cpp     Dtk::Widget:ApplicationPrivate::loadTranslator 159] translatePath after feedback: "/usr/share/dtkwidget/translations/dtkwidget_ru"
2017-07-31, 13:09:30.624 [Debug  ] [dapplication.cpp     Dtk::Widget:ApplicationPrivate::loadTranslator 159] translatePath after feedback: "/app/share/deepin-music/translations/deepin-music_ru"
2017-07-31, 13:09:30.804 [Debug  ] [qsettingbackend.cpp  Dtk:SettingBackend:SettingBackend 36] create config "/home/valera/.var/app/com.deepin.Music/config/deepin/deepin-music/config.ini"
2017-07-31, 13:09:30.805 [Debug  ] [main.cpp             main                                97] TRACE: set theme
flatpak run com.deepin.Calendar
translatePath after feedback: "/usr/share/dtkwidget/translations/dtkwidget_ru"
"deepin-screenshot" can not find qm files
2017-07-31, 13:10:04.456 [Debug  ] [main.cpp             main                                71] deepin-screenshot first started!
2017-07-31, 13:10:04.457 [Debug  ] [main.cpp             main                                72] false ""
2017-07-31, 13:10:04.462 [Debug  ] [screenshot.cpp       Screenshot::initUI                  29] MainWindow bgRect: QRect(0,0 1366x768)
2017-07-31, 13:10:04.463 [Debug  ] [dplatformintegration.cpp deepin_platform_plugin:PlatformIntegration::createPlatformWindow 70] createPlatformWindow QWidgetWindow(0x1309d30, name="ScreenshotClassWindow") Qt::WindowType(Window) QWindow(0x0)
2017-07-31, 13:10:05.441 [Debug  ] [screenshot.cpp       Screenshot::eventFilter             114] m_keyboardGrabbed: false
2017-07-31, 13:10:05.442 [Debug  ] [dplatformintegration.cpp deepin_platform_plugin:PlatformIntegration::createPlatformBackingStore 124] createPlatformBackingStore QWidgetWindow(0x1309d30, name="ScreenshotClassWindow") Qt::WindowType(Window) QWindow(0x0)
2017-07-31, 13:10:05.442 [Debug  ] [screenshot.cpp       Screenshot::eventFilter             114] m_keyboardGrabbed: false
2017-07-31, 13:10:05.442 [Debug  ] [screenshot.cpp       Screenshot::eventFilter             114] m_keyboardGrabbed: false
2017-07-31, 13:10:05.442 [Debug  ] [screenshot.cpp       Screenshot::eventFilter             114] m_keyboardGrabbed: false
2017-07-31, 13:10:05.445 [Debug  ] [screenshot.cpp       Screenshot::eventFilter             114] m_keyboardGrabbed: false
2017-07-31, 13:10:05.445 [Debug  ] [screenshot.cpp       Screenshot::eventFilter             114] m_keyboardGrabbed: false
2017-07-31, 13:10:05.446 [Debug  ] [screenshot.cpp       Screenshot::eventFilter             114] m_keyboardGrabbed: false
2017-07-31, 13:10:05.446 [Debug  ] [screenshot.cpp       Screenshot::eventFilter             114] m_keyboardGrabbed: false
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m***[email protected]
2017-08-01 12:03
It works!
And it starts really fast!
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2017-08-02 04:34
Edited by horvan at 2017-8-1 20:36

It works. Perhaps you could use an other character to seperate version numbers. Just something defferent than // So bash could run the commands even with some comments behind the command examples. Alternativly you sould just use simething like this in your facebook posts. something like

  1. ...
  2. flatpak --user remote-ls deepin-apps #check all app
  3. flatpak --user install deepin com.deepin.Platform #install runtime
  4. flatpak --user install deepin-apps com.deepin.Music//3.1 #install app
  5. flatpak run com.deepin.Music #run app
Copy the Code

With this copy and paste would be possible
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