"gedit's dead" [omgubuntu article]
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2017-07-28 03:07
Edited by BeepThin at 2017-7-27 13:37

Seems gedit isn't maintained anymore according omgubuntu.

Maybe it's time to get a new editor as default? What about xed from the cinnamon team which is a fork of gedit?

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2017-07-29 20:41
Gedit is a easy to use and powerfull text editor, really project was stoped and search for new manteiners but dont it is "dead", like old manteiner Sébastien Wilmet said "Whether Gedit goes on to find a new maintainer anytime soon or not, there's no reason to panic: Gedit works fine today and, with GTK3 now stable, it should continue to work for some time to come with few issues." maybe be cautions wait to see gedit don't find a new developers coming soon.
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