15.4.1 broke screen brightness and dock.
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2017-07-13 21:50
Hi, im new to the forum, been using deepin 15 since its launch.
Im happy so far, been reading about problems that i get every week or two.
So far unresolved problems are r.a.t. mouse 3 needs xrestart after every pc restart, otherwise its noc clicking. Since update yesterday 15.4.1 screen brightness went from 100 to 50% at position 100 (found a solution but not happy with it because it changed screen colour) (radeon 7600 card on a toshiba sattelite)
The other thing wich is not a problem but just annoying is the dock, wich in compact mode starts in the midle of the screen and needs change to fancy then back to simple to go to position.
Any thoughts ?

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2017-07-13 22:49
Hi, please execute the following command in terminal:
sudo deepin-feedback-cli

upload the generated log archive here
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2017-07-14 02:03
Ill do so when i get home after work, apparently wifi is dead too ... so i cant remote login.
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2017-07-14 03:58
Sometimes I have that mouse problem too but my solution is much easier.
It appears when I minimized a window (before the mouse worked)
Then I have to open the application again with the keyboard and then I can click minimize again.
Now the mouse works again but not before minimizing a second time.
It only reacts to the minimize button when the mouse didn't work before.
That's very weird but I noticed the same thing multiple times.
Luckily that can happen only once a day,after that it works fine for the rest of the day.
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2017-07-14 08:25
atr+alt+f1 and ctrl+alt+f7 fixes the mouse, the dock is realli buggy after the update.no right click on second screen now, and my flash player not working so i cannot attach the cli log ;)

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2017-07-14 20:57
apparently my post went to other thread, so here it is.

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2017-07-16 08:13
dock after each restart

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2017-07-17 08:41
backlight fixed in /sys/class/backlight/radeon_bl0/brightness ~ set to 255

Now waiting for the keyboard layout, dock position and mouse clicking fixes.
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