Appstore low download or dead download
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2017-07-03 22:39
Hi, i have installed deepin desktop 15.4 on my laptop. The app store is very slow for updating and downloading new apps.
I have tried to change the mirror from update setting, still no use.

Suggest a solution for me. I'm from India.
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2017-07-03 23:10
It seems that there's no mirror site near you... Would you like to help us build a mirror site in India?
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2017-07-04 02:45
It seems that there's no mirror site near you... Would you like to help us build a mirror site in In ...

Sure. I'm ready.
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2017-07-04 04:55
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2017-07-04 07:34

Yeah. Download is dead slow.
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2017-07-04 07:48
me too !
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2017-07-04 17:53
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thanks very much for your help on synchronization. Here are two methods to synchronize our repository:
The first method:
Packages rsync -av --delete-after /var/www/deepin/
ISO images rsync -av --delete-after /var/www/deepin-cd/

Packages will need 230GB and and ISO images will need 50GB.
2.The /var/www/ directory can be modified to the root directory of your HTTP service.

A scheduled task (Cron task) is recommended for regular syncing.

We do ask that you mirror at least the latest stable releases (both 32 and 64 bit arch).

To avoid confusion, we also ask that you not place anything else inside the top deepin/ directory.
The second method:
If it's slow to sync by the official mirror, you can do an initial sync from other
trusted mirrors in site of and choose the suitable trusted mirror station.
If you have any questions, feedback or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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2017-07-04 20:28
Edited by jijeshvu07 at 2017-7-4 12:36
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thanks very much for your help on synchronization. Here are two methods to synchr ...

Hi, thanks for your reply. Please give a proper guidance to make a mirror.Also, I need to know what are the prerequisites.
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2017-07-04 21:14
Also, how can I install deepin store on my x64 ubuntu16
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2017-07-04 23:36
To setup the mirror server,you need an server.
You could also do this using your computer but that would be very slow for the other users.
Servers with that much storage are often expensive.
At the server you can setup an webserver (I recommend lighttpd) where you provide the Deepin packages for download.
You must use an hosting provider from your country to make the Deepin mirror faster there.
I know that this is a bit complicated and very expensive but thats the only way to provide an usable mirror.
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2017-07-05 21:03
Is there any free server hosting available?
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2017-07-07 00:39
For webpages yes (at least here in Germany) but not for servers.
They are too expensive for the hoster to give them away for free.
And in that size you won't even find a cheap one.
Mirrors for an operating system are very large and need very much traffic.
And that's one thing why there aren't so many mirrors for Deepin.
If you have fast internet access (more than 10Mbits upstream) you could also use an Raspberry to run the mirror at home.
You would need the Raspberry itself (I think mine costed 40 euros),an USB hard drive (50 euros) and the set with a case,an adapter and some cooling things (don's know the price anymore)
That all wouldn't be cheap,too and not as good as an rented server in a data center but it would work and you must only pay the things once.
Setting such an server up is a bit complicated but I already did it (as webserver,not as Deepin mirror) and I can help.
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2017-07-07 21:01
Hi, thanks for the reply. Here at my home internet speed is not that speedy. Anyway, give me the tutorial to build the web server.

Also, how can I install the deepin store on my ubuntu 16.4 64bit operating system.
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2017-07-08 00:49
The Deepin store is only available for Deepin OS.
You can't get it on Ubuntu.
For the server you first have to buy an Raspberry Pi 3,an hard disk with 500GB (more also works),an micro sd card with 1GB only for the bootloader (more also works),that bundle with a case,an adapter and that cooling things which I don't know the word for.
Alternatively you could setup the server on an old computer but please note that it must run 24/7.
To setup Arch Linux ARM follow this tutorial:
You should only do one thing different because of a better life time: Everything but the /boot folder should get on the hard disk!
Move only the /boot folder to the sd card as it wouldn't boot with everything completely on the hard disk.
To make it work with this change,you must edit /boot/cmdline.txt and set root from /dev/mmblk1p2 to /dev/sda1
If you're ready try if your raspberry works.
I will give you the next steps when you have this completed.
It's a bit complicated,I know,but it works great and is easy when you've finished.
You will never have to do this again as long as your hard disk works.
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m***[email protected]
2017-07-08 02:17
Use my script to force mirror, it's easy!
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2017-07-08 19:39
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thanks very much for your help on synchronization. Here are two methods to synchr ...

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