【End】2017/06/30 Internal Testing For deepin 15.4.1
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2017-07-01 01:30
Hi everyone, To ensure the quality of the coming soon deepin 15.4.1, we're going to do the internal test of deepin 15.4.1. All internal test group members should take an active part in this activity. Thank you!

The internal test mainly covers the following items:



Do not use deepin 15.4.1 for production, as this is an alpha version, and possibly contains lots of bugs;

Testing Schedule

  • 2017.06.30: Commence testing
  • 2017.06.30——2017.07.07: Test and fill out the questionnaire for internal testing
  • 2017.07.07: End testing

Test Procedure

  • Connect to internal source and upgrade the system to the latest edition.
  • Test according to the questionnaire and fill out the results.


  • The internal testing is limited to members of https://bbs.deepin.org/post/131244, join it?
  • All members of Internal Testing Team will participate by default
  • Members who consecutively absent for 3 times without asking for leave, will be dismissed from the Team
  • Please do not distribute the content and data of the Internal Testing, otherwise will be dismissed from the Team

Many thanks to all the Internal Testing Team members for your active participation!

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2017-07-01 05:33
desperate for the internal source!
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m***[email protected]
2017-07-06 11:22
there is a problemi. I saw the planning list on the website, but you cannot see:
- Optimize gesture algorithm for Touchpad;
- Function upgrade and fix bugs for Deepin Installer;
- More unknown Deepin applications is coming soon
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