Deepin Updates Fucks Things Up For the 4th time!!!
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2017-06-21 08:40
Seriously guys, I'm tired of having  to fix my box time after time after updates. Now the docks and control center disappear. The multiple monitor setting is in haywire. Why change the name of X devices from VGA1 to VGA-1 and HDMI1 to HDMI-1? The last time I was unable to boot at all. Had to use another distro's live cd and moved all the data and reinstalled the OS with 30-40 large programs and frameworks that I need for work. Four freaking times!!! WTF Deepin? Why? So that we can have transparent control center? Here goes another whole week for  repairing and setting up my box for work. Enough of this crap.
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2017-06-21 08:55
why not you continue to use?for you work,you can choice better os to youself
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2017-06-21 16:34
Is the command line upgrade or control center upgrade?

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   in tty mode

then execute sudo deepin-feedback-cli  command upload the generated log files
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