Failed systemd start
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2017-06-16 00:12
I can't start DI 15.4. Plymouth is okay, I can login and get a black screen with cursor and login sound. There is no tty terminal access. Tried the alternative boot up console and go to root prompt but can't reinistal or perform any apt-get functions. Everything is locked up.

I notice on boot up that there is an error message: FAILED systemd Load Kernal Modules.

At root prompt for rescue console I type systemctl status
and then got the following:

LOAD: loaded (lib/systemd/system/systemd).....
ACTIVE: Failed (Result: exit-code)
Process: 1063 Execstart-?lib/systemd/ etc/........
Main PID: 1063

I haven't included all the sub files and directories here but it should says something to people more knowledgeable than me.

Anyone know what to do?

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2017-06-16 20:40
see if this anwser helps :
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2017-06-18 23:34
Thanks WangYaohua.
I have seen that link before but it made not difference. On one of the reinstalls I did manage to get the commands (from tty before login), but to no effect. Since then I reinstalled but couldn't get past the lock on /var to run --configure -a

That link does have an answer though which I haven't yet tried and that is to remake the USB after a complete reformat of the stick. It's worth a try.

thank you
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2017-06-19 00:40
If apt/dpkg is warning you about the lock, it's highly suspicious that the a package installation, a update or a dist-upgrade is not done successfully.
That's why you should just delete the lock file and try repair command.
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