Decrease the space used in the dock
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2017-05-31 15:26
First of all, This is the most powerful and really eye appealing system I've ever used, that's why I am writing this review.

I highly suggest a top panel (Like ubuntu) that have the time/calender received messages and volume contorlls, also settings can be oppened from there.
This will also help in just looking at the top to know the time/date.

The ability to make the close-Min-Max buttons be on left or right side.

In my opinion if these things are found in a coming update this would be AMAZING!!

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2017-05-31 17:44
Thank you for your suggestion, but this has a clear reply, will not develop the topbar
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2017-06-01 00:19
I don't like Ubuntu and the topbar is one of the things why I do so.
It needs much space,what could be done smaller and in my opinion it doesn't look good.
If you have set efficient mode in Deepin,you have the things that you want in a topbar on the right side in the bottom bar.
Looks a bit like Windows but it works much better.
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