Nvidia settings resetting - Need Help
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2017-05-25 23:53
I am a new member to this forum and I am also new to the Linux OS and Deepin OS, I am currently having an issue with my triple (3) monitor setup, each time I turn off or restart my computer it fails to load the settings saved in the xorg.conf file even though they stay the same, I have tried also saving the settings by loading  the proprietary nvidia settings software via the terminal with the command: sudo nvidia-settings, it doesn't seem to make a difference, the file saves the changes but upon restart they are not loaded, can anyone help me out? I appreciate any help or advice anyone has
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2017-05-26 17:30
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2017-05-26 17:38
what's your xorg.conf
what do you want to set
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2017-05-27 00:35
I want to set it so that when I restart my pc, the content displays on all three monitors as it did so after I changed it and saved it before shutting down, the settings save to the xorg.conf file but they seem to be bypassed by deepin os at some point during the boot up process
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2017-05-27 00:57
I want to set it so that when I restart my pc, the content displays on all three monitors as it did  ...

So your settings in xorg.conf don't work, do you mean your settings in control center always reset after reboot?
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2017-05-27 03:15
If I use the nvidia settings program and save the settings using it either as normal or as sudo they save to the xorg.conf file and when I check the xorg.conf file to ensure it's saved the new settings I can say that they do in fact save, the problem is that even though the display resolution is said to be 5760*1080 in the Deepin control centre and it displays that way on my screens when I either restart or turn off my computer, upon turning back on and logging in the displays are setup in the wrong order (the far left display is showing me content for the right and the middle display and right display both show the exact same thing as if they are mirroring the same image), the xorg.conf file still has the previously saved settings but the monitors do not display the settings saved in that file, and yes the settings in the control center do reset after reboot, they are not being saved or they are being overwritten by something (I'm new to Linux so I'm not sure which it is)  
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2017-05-27 18:20
Join Deepin Control Center display module, then click custom, set it.  Can It work after reboot?
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2017-05-27 18:34
please upload /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf
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2017-05-29 03:54
I haven't got a option for "Custom" on my deepin control centre interface, I will post a screen shot of what I get in the control centre and also will upload the files you have requested
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2017-05-29 04:21
Here is a link to the contents of the Xorg.conf file: https://justpaste.it/178x2

Here is a link to the contents of the Xorg.0.log file: https://justpaste.it/178x5

I will add the image in the next post
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2017-05-29 04:23
I have attached to this post an image of my Control Centre options, as you can see I do not have a 'Custom' options setting
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2017-05-29 07:39
After checking the Numbers that each of my displays are given on reboot I have discovered that upon reboot the number each display is given changes, before reboot the displays had the numbers 3, 5 and 7 given to each one but upon restarting the numbers have changed to 1, 3 and 5, and upon restarting again the displays are given yet another number each, on the third time the numbers are 1, 2 and 5, could this be the cause of my problems and if so why is this happening and what can I do to fix this issue?
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2017-06-02 00:36
it should be an issue of nvidia dirver, something got wrong with multi video output
try a new version of nvidia-xconfig: http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ ... _375.26-1_amd64.deb
and wait for a new version of nvidia-driver
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