Deepin wanna be...Suggestion by active communities!
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m***[email protected]
2017-05-21 23:08
Edited by Maxximo88 at 2017-5-25 23:14

as Italian comunity Administrator, I decided to improve community contribution by start a project: install and try other Linux Distros and identify something to implement in Deepin.
Due to three different italian community location (FB, G+ and Telegram), I decided to collect all feedbacks as comment in this topic, and I will open a Deepin User Feedback for each of them.
Please do the same for all other local communities.

The feedbacks will have the following structure:
  • Title: a short and well designed title
  • Description: a long descripion of any features we would like to see in Deepin;
  • Images: attached images to explain the request;
  • OS Sources: e.g. Elementary OS
  • Owner of the feedback: example name and surname of an user;
  • Deepin user Feedback link: the url of final report on community website.

Italian Deepin Community:
- Facebook
- Google Plus
- Telegram

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m***[email protected]
2017-06-09 22:17
Blogghete replied at 2017-6-7 10:05
The Ubuntu Kylin operating system animation on boot is beautiful.
I want an animation like that in d ...

Hi, maybe you can recorder a video with smartphone and open a Deepin user feedback with the video attached, asking to improve Deepin boot animation!
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2017-06-10 02:00
Hi, maybe you can recorder a video with smartphone and open a Deepin user feedback with the video  ...

Thanks for the suggestion.
I'll do it as soon as possible.
UKUI (Ubuntu Kylin User Interface) is a very beautiful Desktop Environment.
Ubuntu Kylin is a beautiful and easy-to-use operating system.
deepin lovers can use it as model.
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2017-06-10 03:03
Title: Terminal Smart copy-paste feature
Description: If you've highlighted text in the terminal and pressed Ctrl+C, Terminal should know that you likely wanted to copy text instead of end the current process (stop running server), so it copies the text to the clipboard. Similarly, you can just Ctrl+V to paste in the terminal instead of having to work around with extra modifier keys.
OS Sources: Elementary OS
Owner of the feedback: bunkerWHz
Deepin user Feedback link:
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2017-06-10 05:00
Hi, maybe you can recorder a video with smartphone and open a Deepin user feedback with the video  ...

Hi Massimo,
here there is an example of a beautiful boot animation (it is not the Ubuntu Kylin one but it is nice):
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m***[email protected]
2017-06-10 22:52
Hi Massimo,
here there is an example of a beautiful boot animation (it is not the Ubuntu Kylin one ...

Open a Deepin user feedback, it is the only official way to send suggestions.
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m***[email protected]
2017-06-10 22:54
Title: Improve deepin Installer in order to appear like Linux BlackON 10 installer!
Description: Hi, I tested BlackON Linux 10 in order to identify some features to be implemented in Deepin.
I think the installer of BlackON Linux is really nice, with a final report of installation.

Images: attached images to explain the request;

OS Sources: e.g. BlackON 10 Linux
Owner of the feedback: Me
Deepin user Feedback link:
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m***[email protected]
2017-06-10 22:56
Title: Research on Launcher like BlackON 10
Description: Hi,
I'm testing BlackON 10 Linux in order to identify new features for Deepin.
See attached image, if you write something it suggest to seach on internet with browser!
Maybe you can implement a:
- Search on Browser;
- Search on Deepin Store.
Images: attached images to explain the request;

OS Sources: BlackON 10 Linux
Owner of the feedback: Me
Deepin user Feedback link:
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m***[email protected]
2017-06-10 23:34
  • Title: Launcher: add "Run as administrator" in context menu
  • Description: Hi,
    please add the "Run as administrator" in context menu of apps in Launcher.

  • Images: attached images to explain the request;

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m***[email protected]
2017-06-10 23:52
Title: Deepin File Manager: "Send to" option for files
please consider to add the option "Send to" (make a copy and place to..) on right click context menu in Deepin File Manager.
Something like:
Send to:
- USB Devices;
- Connected Bluetooth device;
- Email (with Mozilla Thunderboard);
- Skype;
- Dropbox;And so on..


Source OS: WIndows OS:
Deepin User Feedback:

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2017-06-13 01:19
Open a Deepin user feedback, it is the only official way to send suggestions.

Title: deepin | Improve the boot animation
Description: >>>
The Ubuntu Kylin operating system animation on boot is beautiful.
I want an animation like that in deepin 15.5

UKUI (Ubuntu Kylin User Interface) is a very beautiful Desktop Environment.
Ubuntu Kylin is a beautiful and easy-to-use operating system.
deepin lovers can use it as model.

here there is an example of a beautiful boot animation (it is not the Ubuntu Kylin one but it is nice):
Operating system :deepin
Desktop environment :dde

Source: Ubuntu Kylin
Target: deepin
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m***[email protected]
2017-10-02 02:41

Title: deepin | Improve the boot animation

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