Hi Guys!
First of all, I want to apologize in advance for any English mistakes, since it's not my native language (Brazilian here) and I don't trust Google to do the translations for me
After opening Steam for the first time, it updated and never opened again using the Desktop/Menu shortcut.
I manage to open it by running the script as root using the command below in Terminal:
sudo /usr/games/steam
Copy the Code
But this solution may not suit the laziest of us, such as myself.
For the ones facing this kind of trouble and wanting to open Steam again using the shortcut, this is the solution I came up with. If anyone found a different solution, please feel free to post it here to help the community.
1. Open File Manager, go to /usr/share/applications and make a copy of steam.desktop. Save the copy in your home directory. Now, if you mess something up, you have a backup of the file.
2. Open Terminal.
3. Open steam.desktop using nano or gedit (I used gedit) with the command:
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/steam.desktop
Copy the Code
4. Edit the first 'Exec' line found, under [Desktop Entry]. You need to add gksu in order to make Steam run as root when starting using the shortcut.
[Desktop Entry] Name=Steam Comment=Application for managing and playing games on Steam Exec=gksu /usr/games/steam %U <<<==================== Add gksu HERE Icon=steam Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Network;FileTransfer;Game; MimeType=x-scheme-handler/steam; Actions=Store;Community;Library;Servers;Screenshots;News;Settings;BigPicture;Friends; Keywords=Games
5. Save the file without making any other modification.
6. Run Steam using the shortcut. It will prompt for the user password in order to open but it's easier than open it in Terminal every time.
Hi Guys!
First of all, I want to apologize in advance for any English mistakes, since it's not my native language (Brazilian here) and I don't trust Google to do the translations for me
After opening Steam for the first time, it updated and never opened again using the Desktop/Menu shortcut.
I manage to open it by running the script as root using the command below in Terminal:
But this solution may not suit the laziest of us, such as myself.
For the ones facing this kind of trouble and wanting to open Steam again using the shortcut, this is the solution I came up with. If anyone found a different solution, please feel free to post it here to help the community.
1. Open File Manager, go to /usr/share/applications and make a copy of steam.desktop. Save the copy in your home directory. Now, if you mess something up, you have a backup of the file.
2. Open Terminal.
3. Open steam.desktop using nano or gedit (I used gedit) with the command:
4. Edit the first 'Exec' line found, under [Desktop Entry]. You need to add gksu in order to make Steam run as root when starting using the shortcut.
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Application for managing and playing games on Steam
Exec=gksu /usr/games/steam %U <<<==================== Add gksu HERE
5. Save the file without making any other modification.
6. Run Steam using the shortcut. It will prompt for the user password in order to open but it's easier than open it in Terminal every time.
I hope this guide can help you guys.
Best Regards,
Danillo Gomes.