My thoughts on Deepin RC2
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2017-04-09 13:52
So.... I tested the new release. I've tested the beta before, if you'd like to see that click here. And while I think that the OS has improved a lot, I still have problems with the hot corners. They still need an awkward ''push'' with the mouse for them to work. On the other side I love how they improved the control center and how fluid it is now.
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2017-04-09 16:49
hello!my friend!do you like Chinese's Linux version?
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2017-04-23 04:51
People don't care about you.人家才懒得理你。
2017-04-09 17:57
2017-04-09 17:30
it's more precise to substitute version for distribution
2017-04-10 04:00
Hola Miguex

I also have  some issues with this 15,4 RC2  for example   even though the control center is quite lighter and  nicer too  I think that first  visual approach is not that friendly but confusing for new users, I consider that the 1st visual approach should be where you see all menu buttons and the weather info and the buletooth and network quick access button icons should share with the main menu buttons... so weather has to be out..  weather widget i hardly works  ...
I agree with you about the corners I am running  a new laptop with 8 gb ram and I5 processor and corners are not that sensitive and slow to open and close  still they need to be improved.
Another thing is fast consuming battery  less than 4 hours in my case ( 3.20 minutes ) maybe they need to include a similar power saving package as the one used by KDE
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