Add software source Debian Sid to get the latest software
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2017-03-30 03:42
本帖最后由 markson 于 2017-3-29 21:38 编辑

Before Writing: It's dangerous to use unofficial source and you must be careful!It's dangerous to use unofficial source you must be careful!It's dangerous to use unofficial source you must be careful!It has been spoken for three times for its importance!
The software in Deepin software  are too old. It may be good for a stable OS, but not good for the people who love to update their software to the latest version. So I will share a idea to get the latest software by Debian unstable software source.
At frist open the Terminal then type in sudo gedit to open the text editor.
Then type in:
deb sid main contrib non-free
deb stable main non-free
then save the text to /etc/apt/sources.list.d, as the file's name , you can use extra.list
close the text editor, open the Internet browser, then go to : ... multimedia-keyring/
Download the deb package from the page, then install it.
then come back the Terminal, type in sudo apt update

then you can install latest software like Firefox, Thunderbird.
The system may ask you for upgrading. I have tried it once and everything is Ok . However, it is still a dangerous activity, so BE CAREFUL ON IT

Type sudo echo 'APT:efault-Release "unstable";' |sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/98apt_default_sources.conf to terminal to make the deepun source as the first.
DO NOT use sudo apt dist-upgrade or your dde will be removed

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2017-03-30 03:53
Install flash plugin: sudo apt install flashplayer-mozilla flashplayer-chromium
You can install latest firefox easily by sudo apt install firefox. however, you may have to use sudo aptitude search firefox to search and install the language package
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2017-03-30 04:04
The Debian Sid source you can use the fastest one in your country or area
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