My thoughts on Deepin 15.04...
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2017-03-12 10:26
Edited by miguex at 2017-3-12 02:29

As of now, I recently updated to Deepin 15.04, I-m aware that this is a ''beta'' release, and that there are still a lot of bugs to fix. In my experience I thought Deepin 15.03 was beautiful, it was just so fluid and simple. One problem I've encountered with this beta release is that, when I'm heading for the launcher on the top-left corner of the screen, I now have to maintain my mouse ove there for like a second for the launcher to appear (sometimes it doesn't appear at all). One thing I loved about Deepin 15.03 is that it was just immediate, and the animations were just so fluid. when heading for the control center there's a bit of delay when scrolling down through it.  do like it and I really hope that they fix these problems as soon as possible
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2017-03-12 11:16
+1, agree. I like the 15.3 style, too
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2017-03-16 11:06
Same here. I don't intend to switch to 15.04 until I need 4.9 kernel. A lot of efforts have been made to emphasis the new UI, but I'm not convinced... Yet
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2017-03-16 18:11
I hope you would try the 15.4 rc in next few weeks, although it has not begun testing yet. Except the new UI, the deepin team has also created and modified many good apps. I think some bugs will be fixed in the rc version.
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2017-03-18 23:44
I also hate the delay and what they have done to the control center UI. Control center is now all a long scrolling mess. 15.3 is the best till now.
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2017-03-19 00:42
still use 15.3
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2017-03-19 06:13
please give some courtesy to the team, so far i'm very appreciate the effort on deepin 15.3,
alot better then some other OS, try to collect user info or data,
as 15.4 beta, beta said it all (bugs), if you intend to do good, point out the bugs,
in courage manner.
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2017-03-19 10:11
please give some courtesy to the team, so far i'm very appreciate the effort on deepin 15.3,
alot be ...

I never intended to bash off the creators' efforts. I just wanted to point out some things I thought didn't fulfill my expectations, no hate intended tho, I loved how quick the installation was and I do believe they've progressed a lot, but what I didn't like (like the corner shortcuts) made me downgrade to deepin 15.3. I pointed out these bugs in an effort so that they can fix them and Deepin 15.4 has the bets of both worlds
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Ecological co-builder
2017-03-19 19:15
I like the new control center UI,but I think the old one is more humanize.
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2017-03-21 02:09
I like the new control center UI,but I think the old one is more humanize.

me too I prefer the old control center (deepin 15.3) that was quite perfect.  it was better just add the notifications under the main controls (there is the space too). I can't understand the choise to add the weather addon on the main control center window. another location would be better. now I have to make more click for  my settings. I think too many resources have been used for a step back. Hope the deepin team consider the possibility to return to the old control center or give the option to switch in it.
For now I continue using 15.3 at least until 15.5 arrive.
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2017-04-25 15:07
Not me...I love the new Control Center of 15.4. It really is a step in the right direction for me.
I only played around with Deepin before but as of 15.4 I have installed it on it's own HDD and is now a daily driver for me.

There's still some things that need to be worked on but nothing so far has been a deal breaker.

To the devs: great job and keep on going down the road of your vision.
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2017-04-26 23:52
One thing drives me nuts with 15.4:
Hot corners behavior which works depending on wind's direction and moon phase...
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2017-05-02 03:21
I have been using Deepin 15.3 on a Samsung NC10 netbook.  Deepin 15.3 has been the best distribution I've ever used.  It is fast and fluid.  On 19 Apr 2017 I installed updates.  One of them was DDE 15.4 which installed the Deepin 15.4 desktop environment onto my netbook and ruined what was previously perfect.  Deepin 15.3 became slow. laggy and unresponsive.  How do I remove the update dde 15.4?  Does anyone know??
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2017-05-08 07:54
I have been using Deepin 15.3 on a Samsung NC10 netbook.  Deepin 15.3 has been the best distribution ...

you'll have to install deepin 15.3 from scratch.
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