About Fglrx
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2017-02-17 13:10
Hello Deepin community.
First, sorry for my bad english level. I'm not a good english speaker.

Well I have a question, I've prove a lot of linux distros and since kernel 4.4 or latests a lot of distros leave the propietary drivers support for AMD cards (fglrx) for example: Ubuntu 16.04, OpenSuse 42.2 Leap, Fedora 25 and more.

Now Im Using Deepin 15.3 and as I can see on Driver Manager, there is still the option to use Fglrx and Not de free driver.
So, if I change that option and chose flgrx against free driver, will I brake my system?
I dont't want to brake my x11 configuration and forget the graphic interface.

So I dont know if there is a viable option or a really bad Idea.

Thanks you!!

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2017-02-17 17:08
本帖最后由 liujianfeng 于 2017-2-17 16:44 编辑

We will soonly drop the suppport for fglrx-driver, so I recommand you not install this driver.
You can just remove fglrx-driver with apt if you run into any problems.
If you installed fglrx-driver,it will be removed after the next upgrade.
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2017-02-18 00:28
As I know, the free driver will be instead of fglrx driver in Deepin 15.4.
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2017-02-23 05:09

Perhaps the best option is to wait until we have official support.
It is good to use the new driver, but it will be better with a new kernel, as it can be 4.9.
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la******[email protected]
2017-02-23 06:38
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2017-03-17 04:33
So you mean we can not use DEEPIN with AMD RX400?
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