Installazione driver nvidia geforce 820m
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2016-10-30 10:45
Salve a tutti,
ho installato deepin da una settimana circa,
ho seguito delle guide trovate su internet per l'installazione dei driver nvidia ma con scarsi risultati.
Sono in possesso di una nvidia geforce 820m, qualcuno potrebbe spiegarmi come installare i driver?

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2016-10-30 14:43
Edited by jul at 2016-10-30 06:46

You can go to, I've detailed the instructions that has worked for me (but not months before when I begin to use Deepin over Debian). I've a GTX 860M. If you want the best performances, deactivate the vertical sync when you switch to the dedicated GPU. I've created a command for this:
  1. echo 'vblank_mode=0 primusrun "$@"' > /usr/bin/optiprime
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m***[email protected]
2016-11-02 01:19
You can go to  this post, I've detailed the instructions that has worked for me (but not months befo ...

Grazie per il feedback!
I answer You in Italian because this is the italian section, but we all speak english too!
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