Optimize Deepin OS on SSD
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m***[email protected]
2016-10-27 04:54
is there any optimization of Deepin OS for SSD?
I've installed it, I know I need to enable TRIM and other System optimization.
Do you have any software to automate Deepin optimization for SSD drives?
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2016-10-27 05:00
Edited by tristar at 2016-10-26 14:08

You need to add in fstab file for your partition noatime and discard, like that:

# /dev/sda2
UUID=42dc085d-c447-4800-89e3-c39f6d58468c        /                 ext4              rw,discard,noatime,data=ordered        0 1

or you can create file in /etc/cron.daily/trim with this:
fstrim -a

or you can have both active, I do not see why not. Anyway, first is ment to clear space when file is deleted, and second is ment once daily to run and clear freed space.

that's it - for other optimizations i do not know if even are there...
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2016-10-27 19:06
More than enough is run fstrim from cron once a day to automatically do "discard".
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