Mirror question
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2016-10-19 22:29
Okay, if someone can help, I'd be really grateful.  I'm looking to figure out which mirror will be fastest for my US-based Deepin system.  Installing new apps is painfully slow.  Are there US users who can guide me?  Thanks.
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2016-10-20 04:44
Hi. I'm in the Los Angeles area and have been using Deepin OS for most of its recent history and here is my experience with the mirrors:  I have found  the notion that the nearest mirrors are the fastest mirrors is not always the case, for I have had little success with the USA mirrors and have had better success  ( faster ) with the [NL] NUULIG and [GB] University at Kent mirrors, both of which are quite far from my location. That said, the best mirror is the official Deepin mirror when it is working properly. So it is, in my opinion, best to experiment, switch mirrors, when speeds are slow to find what is best for your location. Please give each mirror a few minutes to establish its connection. Hope this is helpful.
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2016-10-20 07:47

I'm working on a script for french user witch include to choose the best repository using "netselect".
"netselect" list all repo with a score, this value is determine by many parameters, (man netselect)

You could use our list (every repository exept china :p) by using this :

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install netselect
  3. netselect -vv -t 50 $(curl -L http://mirrors.deepin-fr.org/)
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m***[email protected]
2016-10-20 08:14

I'm working on a script for french user witch include to choose the best repository using " ...

Wow! Great development.
I'm from Italy, I discovered faster mirror is the German one, for italian users.
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2016-10-20 08:22
  • Go to the Mirror Page on the top of this page
  • Scroll down to the US section
  • click on a link that starts with http
  • open up a terminal
  • enter sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
  • comment every line by adding a # in front of
  • add a new line with the server you have choosen for example

    deb http://mirrors.cicku.me/deepin/ unstable main contrib non-free
  • Save the file by using CTRL+O
  • do sudo apt update
  • sudo apt -y dist-upgrade

Thats all.
By default the line  deb [by-hash=force] http://packages.deepin.com/deepin unstable main contrib non-free points to the server in china by ading # in front of it  as shown above you should be able to be much faster regardless with server you are using. As long as the engine is placed somewhere in the United states.

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2016-10-20 15:21

I'm working on a script for french user witch include to choose the best repository using " ...

Hello kayoo-- thank you for your time and effort and the code.
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2016-10-20 17:01
servers from big universities are know to be faster, I am currently in Asia and using a server from tsukuba.
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2016-10-23 12:19
Many thanks for all the good responses.  I'll follow up.
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2016-10-23 15:55
Okay, quick question.  Trying to install netselect after an update tells me the most recent version is already installed.  But how do you run it?  It isn't in the applications list.  Any help will be appreciated.
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2016-10-24 02:45
just use the code from above and dont forget to install curl first

  1. sudo apt-get update

  2. sudo apt-get install curl netselect
  3. netselect -vv -t 50 $(curl -L http://mirrors.deepin-fr.org/)
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This will do the job and hopefully works for  you. I guess you have to be on deepin.com to force this to work. So if yi have edited the /etc/apt/sources.list, allrady  you must undo this first by re editing it.
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2016-10-24 13:17
Thanks.   Worked nicely.  Perhaps more mirrors will be established at some point.  As Deepin becomes more popular, perhaps there will be more sources to choose from.
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